GPS Visualizer: Google Maps output
Turn on safe mode (blackberry bold)
Turn on safe mode
When you start your BlackBerry® device, you can turn on safe mode to prevent third-party applications from running automatically. This safe mode enables you to troubleshoot or remove any unwanted applications.
1. Remove and reinsert the battery.
2. When the red LED light goes out, press and hold the Escape key as the device is loading.
3. When the dialog appears, click OK.
When safe mode is on, a safe mode indicator appears in the device status section of the Home screen.
To turn off safe mode, repeat step 1.
<< 很重要!下次bb又無法開機時可以先試試safe mode移除一些軟體後再重開。 >>
When you start your BlackBerry® device, you can turn on safe mode to prevent third-party applications from running automatically. This safe mode enables you to troubleshoot or remove any unwanted applications.
1. Remove and reinsert the battery.
2. When the red LED light goes out, press and hold the Escape key as the device is loading.
3. When the dialog appears, click OK.
When safe mode is on, a safe mode indicator appears in the device status section of the Home screen.
To turn off safe mode, repeat step 1.
<< 很重要!下次bb又無法開機時可以先試試safe mode移除一些軟體後再重開。 >>
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